Filmmaker, Writer, Comedian, Actor, Scourge of Civilization
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Just a thought ...
It just occurred to me that a President of the United States who connives at torture and lies to start a war is, potentially, the most dangerous human being who ever lived, even more so than Hitler or Stalin or the bush-league Osama bin Laden.
If America goes Nazi, there isn't any United States to take us out. That shouldn't be a comfort to anyone, least of all Americans.
Ah the irony if Russia were to be the ones to save us.
Merry Christmas. I hear Nazis like to take out the artists and teachers first. They use a subtle technique called 'State Standardized Tests'-- code name: 'No Child Left Behind' to smoke out the non-believers.
If I put this under "anonymous" Jag will nevvver figger out who posted this. Geez, I gotta give that guy a call. The Nazis don't do wire-tapping do they? I mean, there's the Bill of Rights and all, right? Have they got rid of that yet?
You're right, I will never figure out who you are, Anonymous. If that's your real name. Oh, I know you are. You're an FBI/NSA agent provacateur trying to entrap me, aren't you? Well, I'm on to your game! I love America! I support the War on Terror! I'll sign your loyalty oath! Take that, narc!
My stand about this is actually neutral. In the first place, I am not that familiar with the stories of both sides. Maybe, I have to think of this first.
Ah the irony if Russia were to be the ones to save us.
Secession sounds better & better all the time.
Merry Christmas. I hear Nazis like to take out the artists and teachers first.
They use a subtle technique called 'State Standardized Tests'--
code name: 'No Child Left Behind' to smoke out the non-believers.
If I put this under "anonymous" Jag will nevvver figger out who posted this. Geez, I gotta give that guy a call. The Nazis don't do wire-tapping do they? I mean, there's the Bill of Rights and all, right? Have they got rid of that yet?
You're right, I will never figure out who you are, Anonymous. If that's your real name. Oh, I know you are. You're an FBI/NSA agent provacateur trying to entrap me, aren't you? Well, I'm on to your game! I love America! I support the War on Terror! I'll sign your loyalty oath! Take that, narc!
Well, for that thought it will be better to discover facts first. We can't assume that it will happen.
My stand about this is actually neutral. In the first place, I am not that familiar with the stories of both sides. Maybe, I have to think of this first.
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